Editor's review
Face Smoother smoothens the face skin in easily and quickly and makes the photo more beautiful.
Pros: Many times skin areas in a photo have blemishes. These could be as it actually there on the face or due to film problems. Face Smoother smoothens the areas. I guess, this has a general smoothening algorithm that smoothens face skin colored areas. In fact the example used in the demo is a synthetic photo created of a female face that has blemishes on her face. The application also provides some basic editing facilities. Mainly that of adjusting contrast, brightness and color saturation. You could see the effect in real time so the adjustment could be exactly what one likes.
Rotate and resize facilities are available too. Rotate is basically a 90 degree rotation and flipping facility that gives the lateral rotations. In the resize one can specify the size in terms of pixels. While changing that one could maintain the aspect ratio or change height and width independently.
Cons: In general use, this package is likely to create undesirable effects in other areas if the color of such areas resemble the skin color and produce really undesirable effects. Particularly, if such areas have some kind of texture, they’ll be smoothened out.
Overall: This is more of a toy application with a very limited use, though that function is done reasonably well. In my mind this cannot be better than 2 stars.
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